Looking to do business with The District?
Camp Bowie District often has opportunities for contracting. Find a current list of bidding opportunities here. For additional information or questions email executivedirector@campbowiedistrict.com.
Camp Bowie District, Inc. (“CBDI”) is requesting proposals for Private Security to provide patrolling and security services of the properties included in the 6-mile historic Public Improvement District #19 (“PID 19”) as shown in Exhibit “A”. CBDI reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. All responses must be submitted via email to Lydia Guajardo Rickard at executivedirector@campbowiedistrict.com or mail to CBDI offices (address info below). Questions may be addressed to Lydia Guajardo Rickard via email only and all questions must be submitted by June 16, 2023. Responses must be received by 2:00 PM on Friday, July 3, 2023. Click here to download the full RFP.

Doing business in The District
Find your success in The District. Join a family of locally owned businesses where locals stroll, shop and dine. Build a loyal following with the historic corridor along side other unique boutiques, eateries and service providers. Build as a war camp, Camp Bowie and the surrounding area has served Fort Worth for more than a century as a place where people gather, celebrate and live. Join the 400+ businesses in building a strong local economy that appeals to the generations of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Explore more to uncover the buying power of the surrounding residential communities and demographic details.

Each day area residents travel Camp Bowie Boulevard. The daily average of vehicles traveling through the corridor is over 35,000 cars per day. Camp Bowie's Banner Program is a proven opportunity to expose brands and/or events to consumers. A total of 114 light poles in the six-mile stretch allows for display banners.
Stretching from University Drive westward to Lackland Road, messages can be displayed on all light poles or just select poles at stoplights. The program is priced to offer custom selections for organizations to fit their budget. The program is administered and maintained by Camp Bowie’s marketing department.