As a piece of the foundation of Fort Worth, Camp Bowie Boulevard stands as the historic corridor that leads all roads west. For over 100 years now, visitors have come to Camp Bowie District to celebrate weddings, graduations, birthday celebrations, and more. Our story can be seen in the preserved buildings that are still home to locally owned businesses. Most of our shops are homegrown and curated by Fort Worthians for Fort Worthians.
Camp Bowie District prides itself on revitalizing and upkeeping The Boulevard and its surrounding streets. To streamline our efforts and ensure a robust agenda for the future of Camp Bowie Boulevard, we have established four initiatives that guide the organization in our endeavors. Every step taken by the district falls into one of our four efforts to strengthen the Boulevard community: Clean, Green, Safe, and Advocacy. We strategically analyze the corridor to identify projects and needs, based on evaluations and feedback from businesses. We can then use our assessments from property owners to assist in the funding of pillar projects such as Maintenance, Landscaping & Beautification, Litter Abatement, Safety & Security, Marketing Advocacy, Communications, Economic Development, and Future Planning.

Our goal is to preserve the aesthetic presentation of Camp Bowie Boulevard. We are committed to keeping a clean environment for our property owners, businesses, and customers. Through our partnership with UpSpire, we have implemented a liter-abatement crew and schedule to keep the medians & public right-of-ways free of trash. You may have seen their UpSpire trucks up and down The Boulevard, but did you know UpSpire is an organization designed to support, train, and employ individuals facing employment barriers? We employ 2 workers that work 30 hour weeks each. Upspire is comprised of three professional service companies designed to support, train and employ individuals of Tarrant County facing barriers of employment. Their goal is to break the cycle of poverty and unemployment by providing jobs that restore dignity and provide hope.
The Camp Bowie crew removes an average of twenty-two 55-gallon bags of trash a week! We are on track to have picked up over 1,430 bags of trash and debris from The Boulevard, which equates to over 78,650 gallons of litter in one year. We are so thankful for our partners at UpSpire, but we challenge our Camp Bowie community to do their part in keeping our Boulevard CLEAN!

The medians and public right-of-ways are maintained year-round with landscaping. In each of the segments, you will find trees and/or flowers filling the center medians. We actively work with the City of Fort Worth and TXDot to maintain the upkeep of these segments and to add beauty through capital improvement projects. We have hired an independent landscaping crew that attends to all the green spaces throughout the district and ensures native and hearty plants are installed.
Most recently, landscape crews were busy working away in the 6700-7000 blocks of Camp Bowie Blvd, installing plants, and improving medians. Funded by the Green Ribbon Grant, Camp Bowie planted Boxwood, Red Autumn Sage, Soft Leaf Yucca, Sunshine Ligustrum, Pink Muhly Grass, Red Yucca, Dwarf Maiden Grass, Giant Liriope, Yellow Trailing Lantana, and Single Trunk Natchez Crape Myrtles to brighten up the west side of The Boulevard. While improving the aesthetic of the corridor, the planting improvements also consider proper intersection site distance and clear zone requirements. As a pillar of our organization, we value keeping The Boulevard in pristine shape and are always finding new ways to bring beauty to Camp Bowie Blvd.

Creating a safe environment for businesses to thrive in is a priority to the organization. Camp Bowie is committed to providing additional security sweeps and working with Fort Worth Police to troubleshoot problem areas.
The district pays for off-duty patrol shifts to provide additional coverage in the 6-mile stretch. These officers work with our business owners to address all concerns they have regarding security and safety. Shout out to Officer Pennington and Officer Bell for leading the efforts across The Boulevard! Officer Pennington is the Security Patrol Coordinator for Camp Bowie District, he has been a Fort Worth Police Officer for 11 years and a local NPO officer for many of the neighborhoods off The Boulevard. He strives to promote kindness and respect while conducting his daily and nightly duties. Officer Bell has been with FWPD for approximately 12 years, he urges the community to get involved and engage with neighbors because it is the most important part of creating and maintaining a positive culture within your community. We know your job is not always easy, but we thank you for your hard work and dedication to the community. Thank you to all our NPOs that keep Camp Bowie safe!

Camp Bowie is here for the businesses that reside in the district. We want to unify our resources and be a voice on their behalf. Marketing initiatives and publicity are a focus of the organization, and we are creating a voice through social media, public relations, events, and digital outreach. Advocation and ensuring an environment for success is one of our biggest priorities. Through paid promotional advertising, organic social media, and regular communications with key stakeholders, we are raising awareness about our unique corridor, and the 500+ unique businesses that reside in the district. Support local by choosing a Camp Bowie gift shop to buy a housewarming gift at, stopping for coffee at a local Boulevard establishment, or stopping in at one of the many professional services that are locally owned and operated in the district. However you do it, choose to support Camp Bowie today!