Listing within the member directory on the website
Listed as a featured partner with a photo & description
Listing in the Annual Report
Social media: dedicated promotional post- 10x annually
Social media: mention or Instagram story- 10x annually
Social media: unlimited event listings
Video tour/ highlight: (30 seconds)
Business highlight in the newsletter- 2x annually
Business customer analytic report- 2x annually
Preferred vendor or contributor at one significant event
Assistance with public relations promotion for major announcements
Personalized blog post on the website- 1x annually
Opportunity to host a networking event
Opportunity to engage with the Board of Directors
Listed as a Supporter of Annual Meeting and one seasonal festival
Title sponsor to one seasonal festival
​Listing within the member directory on the website
Listed as a featured partner with a photo & description
Listing in the Annual Report
Social media: dedicated promotional post- 8x annually
Social media: mention or Instagram story- 8x annually
Social media: unlimited event listings
Video tour/ highlight: (30 seconds)
Opportunity to host ribbon cutting
Business highlight in the newsletter- 2x annually
Business customer analytic report- 2x annually
Preferred vendor or contributor at one significant event​
Assistance with public relations promotion for major announcements
Personalized blog post on the website- 1x annually
Opportunity to host a networking event
Opportunity to engage with the Board of Directors
Listed as a Supporter of Annual Meeting and one seasonal festival